About Me and my Craft Shed

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Sudden Halt called to everything

Just as the title says, a sudden halt was called to everything in the household on 21 October when Chris developed massive effects from his MS. Loss of use of his right hand and arm, right leg problems which caused problems walking. I managed with our GP to get him to a Consultant at Hospital who admitted him immediately, and run loads of tests on him. Finally the MS is confirmed, and significant change from 2 years ago. Along with all the other slurred speech and lack of ability to find the right words when required, which he finds most frustrating. He came out of hospital on 26th, and since then has been to the GP twice - including a visit today. I am keeping him away from anyone else except family at present as his immune system is low, any anything could make him really poorly again.

In the Craft Shed, I am trying to work out the right type of heater, the small heater I bought for the other shed is not enough to heat this much bigger shed, so may be looking at a fan heater, so that the heat gets round the shed easier.

When I get the wireless internet out to the shed, I will be moving my webcam out there, so that I can give virtual tours and use it to make video's of things I make.

Vistors to the shed so far have been 3 cats - Spot, Concord, and Snowdrop, and 1 of the dogs - Kim - but she is requesting something nice to lay on!!! otherwise I think it passes their strict inspection.